The Edan SonoTrax Lite Doppler is a user-friendly fetal heart monitor for mothers or health care professionals to hear the sound of the fetal heartbeat.
Features built-in speaker
Choose a waterproof 3MHz (for early pregnancy) or waterproof 2MHz (for labor & delivery) probe
Handheld Doppler allows any user to comfortably hold the device while checking for the fetal heartbeat
The different modes allow you to use different intervals and time measurements for the FHR
Long life battery allows user 13 hours of continuous use or approximately a thousand 1 minute sessions
The Auto Shut Off feature turns unit off after 1 minute of no operation or no signal
Use the speaker with adjustable volume and/or listen through headphones
Can also use headphone output for recording to your PC
Free carrying case to hold Doppler and accessories
1-year limited warranty
SonoTrax Lite comes in a set with a 3MHZ waterproof probe but can also support 2MHz, 4MHz, 5MHz and 8MHz probes.
Weight: 0.7 lbs
Measurements: 5.5" H x 3.5" W x 1.3" L